Dodds Story, The; As Told To Larry Gara Catalog #KS 5.5x8.5
$13.00 The autobiography of the famous New Orleans drummer that
has inspired drummers from Gene Krupa to Steve Smith. This book
was out of print until Rebeats republished it in 2003.
Seat In The House: Drumming In The '70s with Marriott, Frampton,
& Humble Pie by Jerry Shirley 6x9 paperback,
320 pages. Jerry Shirley's memoir, edited
by Tim and Jon Cohan.
$25.00 plus $5.00 s&h. USA orders only.
First published in 2011, a new (2022) printing is now available.
Here is a hard-rock memoir told from the drum throne of the kings of arena-rock boogie, Humble Pie. Along the way, you'll meet future legends in a star-studded and rare glimpse into the vibrant scene that created the sound and success of this beloved band. Includes rare photographs, tour chronology with 500+ dates, discography, drum-kit charts, and more.
6x9 hardcover, 360 pages
In this meticulously researched biography, author Pelle Berglund presents the first comprehensive book on the life of Buddy Rich, still considered by many to be the greatest drummer ever to pick up sticks. Using interviews with many of Buddy's band members (some conducted by the author himself) along with extensive sourcing of quotes from practically every interview ever given by Buddy himself, a complete chronology of Buddy's life is presented—along with insights into what drove him and what he thought about the various situations and people he encountered through his life. One of a Kind recounts each chapter of a life lived in the spotlight: childhood star Traps, the Drum Wonder; young jazz drummer with Joe Marsala and Bunny Berigan; star sideman with Artie Shaw, Harry James, and Tommy Dorsey; and leading various incarnations of the Buddy Rich Big Band. A twentieth century icon, Buddy's relationships with Shaw, Dorsey, Count Basie, Johnny Carson, Frank Sinatra, Mel Torme, Gene Krupa, Norman Granz, Lana Turner, and his family, including wife Marie and daughter Cathy are insightfully investigated.
Never-before-seen photos of Buddy culled from the private collection of collector Charley Braun add a new perspective on Buddy's life-including a 16-page featured photo section. Beyond providing a complete timeline of Buddy Rich's life, One of a Kind provides a glimpse into the mind of a musical titan who demanded greatness from himself and those around him, and became one of the most celebrated and controversial stars in music.
Calfskin Head Book, The Rebeats 8 1/2 x 11 paperback 42 pages
The Rebeats Calfskin Head book details how animal hides are made into drum heads, how they are mounted on drums, and how drummers tune and care for the skin drum heads. Also included is a section on oil-painted scenes on drum heads, and a directory of skin drum head suppliers.
20th-30th Show Programs
8 1/2 x 11 Hardcover 324 pages
This special limited-edition hardcover volume includes all pages of each Chicago Drum Show program from the 20th through the 30th shows. There is no index or page numbering, the volume is simply a compilation of the actual programs distributed at these shows. The annual show programs always include exhibitor lists and diagrams, contact information for the exhibitors, advertising by exhibitors and sponsors, and clinician information.
The Cymbal
Book, by Hugo Pinksterboer 9x12 paperback,212 pages
Catalog #DW $25.00
THE definitive book on cymbals. Histories of all the cymbal
companies as well as cymbal acoustics, selection and testing,
setups, cleaning, repair, etc.
This book is meant to give an overview of the drum finishes produced by the American drum companies from around 1920 through the late 1970s, Until 1924 most drum companies produced pretty much the same finishes; walnut, mahogany, maple, and a few lacquer finishes. In 1924 George Way of the Leedy Drum Company sold the first drum covered with Pyralin, or “pearl”, which had previously been used as a decorative covering on items such as toilet seats. (Way sold the first pearl-covered drums to Chauncey Morehouse who was one ot the country;s top drummers, playing at the time with the Jean Goldkette Band at the Greystone Ballroonm in Detroit. Leedy had an agreement with the manufacturer of the material (DuPont) that it would not be sold to any other drum companies for ten years. By 1928, however, most of the big companies were shipping pearl-covered drums. From the start, every company supplied what is known today as “White Marine Pearl”. The next most common color was Black Diamond Pearl, then the basic sparkle finishes. Each era saw a number of finishes which did not catch on and were discontinued, making them today’s collectables.
The original version of Drum Colors was published by Rebeats in 1996 and was 36 pages. This expanded and updated version is 70 pages and includes the "finish options" sections of the Gretsch, Ludwig, Rogers, Leedy, and Slingerland books by Rob Cook.
Franks For The Memories by Maurie and Jan Lishon, with Rob Cook 8 1/2 x 11 paperback, 178 pages $25.00
A memoir of Maurie and Jan Lishon and history of Franks Drum Shop as told to Rob Cook by Maurie and Jan Lishon. Franks Drum Shop was an institution known around the world as one of the top drum shops from the late 1930s until the 1980s. Frank Gault established the shop in 1937 when Maurie Lishon was a very busy Chicago show and broadcast drummer. Maurie bought the shop in 1959. It was widely known for it's repair department, rental inventory which included vrtually any kind of percussion instrument, a legendary print music department, and a staff of instructors which included Roy Knapp, who taught Louis Bellson and Gene Krupa. The book includes a section on Roy Knapp with a list of Roy's most prominent students, compiled by Roy Knapp himself. The book also includes a section on well-known percussionists who enjoyed very close relationships with the Lishons; they include Denny Seiwell, Carmine Appice, John Beck, Aldo Mazza, Roy Burns, Bun E Carlos, Vic Firth, Peter Erskine, and many others.
Gene Krupa, His Life & Times By Bruce Crowther Catalog
#CE $13.00
144 pages, paperback Biography of Gene Krupa
Way's Little Black Book Catalog #CW $10.00
Compiled by Rob Cook. 8.5"x11" paperback, 60 pages.
A brief biography of George Way, followed by a reproduction
of his vendor directory; personal notes from George to himself
about where he got brass, felt, etc. Specifications are on many
pages, and a few manufacturing notes such as not Leedy lacquered
shells, etc.
Gladstone by Chet Falzerano $20.00 8.5x11, 77 pages. A biography
of Billy Gladstone with special emphasis on his inventions and
accomplishments. The author has been gathering info on Gladstone's
life and drums since the early 1980s; this is the best way to
answer all your questions about Gladstone drums!
Great Jazz Drummers by Ron Spagnardi The
Great Jazz Drummers is an excellent reference for any drummer
or jazz enthusiast. It features biographies and photos of 62 influential
drummers, as well as a CD featuring 16 artists to demonstrate
the gradual progression of jazz drumming through seven decades.
of Gretsch Drums Based Upon Serial Numbers: Challenging the Legend,
Lore and Lies by Rick Gier. 8.5x11, 42 pages. $10.00
This is the first edition; limited supply.
This is the 2023 revision to Richard E. Gier’s groundbreaking 2011 dating guide for vintage Gretsch
drums. This 42-page booklet, which now includes full-color illustrations and expanded information, is
the definitive guide to dating vintage Gretsch drums by serial number. The author includes the history
of Gretsch’s use of serial numbers and presents timelines of changes made to more than ten physical
characteristics like throw-offs, labels styles and hardware. Rick Gier has based his observations on a
database he compiled of more than 8,600 vintage Gretsch drums. The result is a guide which will allow
the reader to closely estimate their drum’s manufacture date and determine if their drums have original
or era appropriate parts. The Gretsch drum owner no longer has to rely on imprecise and inaccurate
information – the legend, lore and lies of Gretsch drum dating. $15.00
Gretsch Drum Book by Rob Cook with John Sheridan $40.00
8.5x11 paperback 288 pages, over 1100 pictures. Complete business history and Gretsch drum dating guide in the pattern of Rob Cook's books on Ludwig, Slingerland and Rogers. Dating guide includes catalogs, badges, colors, hardware, snare drums, and kits. Please note that this "Buy Now" tab is for USA customers only. For shipments outside of the USA, please contact Rob Cook for a quote.
1941 Catalog reprint catalog #HJ $10.00
Drums! The Legacy Of That Great Gretsch Sound by Chet Falzerano
Cat. #GJ $35.00 also available in hardcover #GQ $45.00 9x12, 144
The history of Gretsch, with lots & lots of photos. 8 pages
of color. Lots of endorsee information.
Blaine And The Wrecking Crew by Hal Blaine with Mr. Bonzai.
6x9, 128 pages. 3rd edition, released in January, 2010. Includes
updates from Hal.on his activities since the release of the
secondl edition of this book $20.00
A History of Drums Made In Germany, and the Companies Behind Them by Fritz Steger 8 1/2 x 11, 114 pages $30.00
German musician and historian Fritz Steger began this book in 2005. He traveled all over Germany to interview descendants of company founders, former employees, and collectors. Portions of his research were published in Drums and Percussion magazine, and now, finally, the book is in print. Brands included: Sonor, Trixon, Deri, Rimmel, Tromsa, Lefima, Offelder, Korri, Lindberg, and others.
Of The Leedy Drum Company by Rob Cook Catalog
9x12 paperback, Out of Print, no longer available. We have replaced this book with "The Leedy Way".
Ralph Kester's Scrapbook
compiled by David Huelsing 8.5x11 paperback, 32 pages. $15.00 Ralph Kester was a pioneering inventor of drums and accessories, best known for the Flat/Jacks drums. This is a fascinating compilation of photos, letters, and business records that documents his life and business history.
Kick It A Socal History of the Drum Kit by Matt Brennan
Paperback, 371 pages.$40.00 In the words of the author; "Through the lens of the drumkit, this book charts the history not only of America's outward cultural impact but also the international musical cultures that influenced America. It aims to situate the story of the drum kit within larger narratives including the changing dynamics of music business, education, creativity, race and gender relations, human migration, and the unstable divide between high and low culture.... It is an attempt to make sense of the history of the status of the drummer as a musician, the drum kit as an instrument, drumming as a practice, and how they interacted with the wider world as viewed from behind the kit."
Nearly 30 years in the making, Rob Cook considers the to be his most significant project. This is a complete biography of George Way as well as a revised and updated history of the Leedy Drum Company. There are also sections on the Advance Drum Company (the firm George started in Edmonton before he moved to Leedy), the C.G. Conn Co., Ltd (which eventually merged with both Leedy and Ludwig & Ludwig), L&S Drums (founded by the Leedy family after they sold Leedy to Conn), and Camco (which evolved out of the George Way Drum Company)
8 1/2 x 11, 312 page paperback
Leedy Drum Topics by Rob Cook 8.5x11 paperback, 476 pages $45.00
new compilation of the Leedy Drum Topics, using high-quality scans of theoriginal issues. (The earlier compilation of the early 1990s was missing a few pages and included many images of photocopied pages.)
Leedy Manufacturing, founded by U.G. Leedy, was one of the world’s largest drum manufacturers in the early 1920s. U.G. Leedy recruited George Way to restructure Leedy’s distribution from direct-to-consumer to a network of authorized retailers across the country. The other primary charge for Way was to establish an advertising plan. Way combined the tasks through the periodical he established, the Leedy Drum Topics. Through the Topics, Way established a relationship with Leedy’s dealer network. It was clear that the paper was meant to support not only Leedy, but the local Leedy dealers. Dealers were encouraged to submit photos and stories featuring not only their stores, but also local drummers and percussionists. Each issue of the Topics included news of new product introductions, endorser photos and news, playing tips, and even editorials such as the effect that movies with sound would have on the theater drummer profession. Publication of the Topics continued into the Conn era in 1929, but on a much more limited scale; 17 issues were published in the 1920s, 10 issues were published by Conn in the 1930s, and the last issue was published in 1941.
Lucky Drummer (From NYC Jazz to Johnny Carson) by Ed Shaughnessy
with Robyn Flans $15.00 6x9 paperpack, 132 pages. The Memoir of the iconic Tonight Show big band drummer from his boyhood days to the end of his career. Includes discography, equipment diagrams, photo section.
Book, The by Rob Cook catalog #KR paperback $40.00, 8.5x11, 286 pages, 64 pages of color. Complete
business history and dating guide for all catalogued snare drums,
outfits, and production clues such as badges, colors, etc. Includes
Ludwig & Ludwig, WFL, Leedy & Ludwig, Ludwig Industries,
and today's Ludwig.
The Rebeats "Buy It Now" buttons are currently being upgraded. To order in the meantime, please send email to Include item(s) info and I will send you an invoice with payment options. RC
Serial Number Based Dating Guides for Vintage Ludwig Drums - Main Line Drums 1963-1984 and
Standard Drums 1968-1973 (Second Edition) by Richard E. Gier. This is the 2023 revision to Richard E.
Gier's Ludwig dating guides which now includes observation based upon the author’s database of more
than 17,600 vintage Ludwig drums. Gier starts by dissecting previous Ludwig serial number dating
efforts and showing their limitations. He then presents new guides for Keystone and Blue/Olive badge
main line drums and the first guide available for Ludwig Standards. In addition to updating previously
presented material, the second edition includes new information on metal shell markings of chrome-
plated drums and an expanded look at badges without serial numbers. The 40 pages include numerous
full-color graphs, charts, and photos. Like his acclaimed Gretsch Serial Number Dating Guide, Gier's
Ludwig guide considers other production clues such as number of plies, muffler variation, throw-offs and
wrap features so that the reader can more accurately estimate production dates and determine if a
drum is authentic or has been altered. $15.00
Making of A Drum Company: The Autobiography of William
F. Ludwig II 8 1/2 x 11, 128 pages, 160 photos Catalog #KC $20.00.
His whole story in his own words, from childhood recollections
through teen years as a rudimental drum champion, wartime service,
and the glory years of Ludwig.
Five Decades In The Music Products Industry By Karl Dustman
336 pages 8.5x11 paperback $35.00
This memoir by Karl Dustman details his illustrious music industry career. Dustman began his professional career as a sales forecaster for IBM. This led to an executive position with Ludwig Drum Company where he spent 11 years in the marketing and educational departments. Executive-level stints with Gretsch, Hohner-Sonor-Sabian, Pearl, and Sonor gave Karl great insight into the percussion industry of the 1980s and 1990s, which he shares here in intimate detail. Striking out on his own as a consultant, Karl worked not only with numerous music-industry clients, but other businesses which further developed his skill set. Along the way, Karl authored numerous articles to share his percussion marketing expertise; many are included in the book's appendix. Also included are capsule histories of the Ludwig and Gretsch drum companies, and a good look at the inner workings of the Percussion Marketing Council. Pretty much anyone who has worked in the percussion industry over the last five decades has crossed paths with Karl Dustman.
RINGO: With A Little Help From My Friends by Michael Seth Starr Paperback, 426 pages, $20.00 Ringo: With a Little Help is the first in-depth biography of Beatles drummer Ringo Starr, who kept the beat for an entire generation and who remains a rock icon since the Beatles took the world by storm over fifty years ago. This book traces the entire arc of Ringo's remarkable life and career, from his sickly childhood to his life as the world's most famous drummer to his triumphs, addictions, and emotional battles following the breakup of the Beatles. Born in 1940 as Richard Starkey in the Dingle, one of Liverpool's most gritty, rough-and-tumble neighborhoods, he rose from a hardscrabble childhood marked by serious illnesses, long hospital stays, and little schooling to emerge, against all odds, as a locally renowned drummer. Taking the stage name Ringo Starr, his big break with the Beatles rocketed him to the pinnacle of worldwide acclaim in a remarkably short time. He was the last member of the Beatles to join the group but also the most vulnerable, and his post-Beatles career was marked by chart-topping successes, a jet-setting life of excess and alcohol abuse, and, ultimately, his rebirth as one of rock's revered elder statesmen.
Roots Of Rock Drumming- Interviews with the Drummers Who Shaped Rock N Roll Music edited by Daniel Glass, Additional editing by Steve Smith. 8x10 paperback, 256 pages with DVD. $30.00. The strength of interviews often depends on the knowledge and skill of the interviewer. Daniel Glass and Steve Smith prove this point as they interview the giants of early Rock. Pioneers: Bobby Morris, Dick Richards, Earl Palmer, D.J. Fontana, J.M. Van Eaton, Buddy Harmon, The Innovators: Jerry "J.L." Allison, Hal Blaine, British Rock, Brian Bennett, Clem Cattini, Bobby Graham, The Stylists: Idris Muhammad, Smokey Johnson/John Boudreax, Sam Lay, Bernard Purdie, Roger Hawkins, The Commentators: Jaimoe, Carmine Appice, Steve Gadd, Jim Keltner. This book is logicially organized and laid out; a great book for drummers, about drummers, by drummers.
Jazzin' Rockin' by Susan VanHecke, 10.5x11, hardcover, 136 pages,
$18.00. This is a beautifully composed history of some of the
most iconic American musical instrument manufacturers. VanHecke
specializes in books for young readers and this is published
by a scholastic publishing company, so some adult readers may
find it just a bit "fluffy," but the photos are great
and the content is solid. Chapters include: Zildjian, Steinway,
C.G. Conn, Martin, Ludwig, Hammond, Fender, and Moog.
Book, The (Second Edition) Catalog #IJ paperback $30.00.
By Rob Cook. When the first edition went out of print in early
2004, Rob Cook immediately set about preparing a revised edition.
This is a complete business history and dating guide. 8.5x11,
221 pages, 32 pages of full color. Typos have been fixed, all
graphics have been rescanned and improved, and 16 pages of color
have been added. Several high-profile collectors are included
in this new color section, including Bobby Chiasson, Steve Maxwell,
Bruce Felter and Gary Nelson. Also new is the interview with
Bill Crowden (current head of Rogers) and a brief history of
Brook Mays Music, the current owners of Rogers. Today's Rogers
gear is also included. All these improvements, and the price
has gone down!
Book, The by Rob Cook Catalog #GW paperback $30.00 8 1.2"x11", 300 pages, 30 pages in full color. Revised
Edition Slingerland Book... All new Krupa section All new Jake
Jerger section New color pages featuring the Slingerland drums
of Mike Curotto, new family information and updated family tree.
The Slingerland Book- Third Edition by Rob Cook $40.00 paperback, 8 1/2x11 Updated in November, 2024. Hundreds of images that were b&w in earlier editions now appear in color. Slingerland business history updated into current ownership by DW. Family tree updated. QR codes have been added to numerous segments of the dating guide; these take the reader to additional detailed information by Carl Wenk which appears at the vintagedrumguide site.
Premium version of third edition: High-grade 70 lb paper, premium color print by Ingram, hardcover. $70.00 email Rob Cook for purchase details
Sympathy For The Drummer... Why Charlie Watts Matters by Mike Edison Paperback, 5 1/2" x 7 1/4", 270 pages. $17.00
Published shortly before Charlie's passing, this book does an amazing job of analyzing Charlie's role in the Stones and in music history in general. A must read for fans of Charlie Watts and/or The Rolling Stones.
Technique of Percussion
Columns by George Lawrence Stone for International Musician Magazine 1946-1963
forward by W. Lee Vinson
7x10, 424 pages, paperback
From Lee Vinson's Forward: Stories about his own family are sprinkled into his columns, as are sentimental mentions about the loss of colleagues and lifelong friends.. These poignant autobiographical moments show us as much, if not more, about George Lawrence Stone than his answers to questions about five-strike rolls or reading music. Late in life, George Lawrence Stone had taken on legendary status and in the years since his death he has become nearly mythical. Stick Control has had much to do with this characterization, but it is the enduring magnitude of his greater contributions to drumming that place him in his echelon. His columns are a joy to read as they whirl us back in time bringing readers closer to knowing the man behind the typewriter, the man with a practice pad and sticks on his desk waiting for his secretary to send in the next student.